Fast-Paced Trick-Taking Board Game

Fight for glory in a dystopian future

Take on the role of a gladiator in a future dystopian world and fight for honor and glory in different arenas across the universe to earn your freedom and gain universal fame!

Future Heroes is a fast-paced trick-taking board game that’s meant to be easy to pick up and with a small footprint, perfect as the in-between game or when you’re in the mood for something fun and light. Best suited for 2-4 players.

Exclusive special rewards available for our email subscribers. 

Fast-Paced Fun

Become one of the gladiators and fight for honor, glory and freedom in the grizzled arenas of a dystopian future.

Future Heroes is a thrilling, fast-paced trick-taking game where victory over your adversaries will leave you beaming with satisfaction.

Easy to pick up

You don’t have to be a board game veteran to pick up the rules and start having fun playing Future Heroes. 

That being said, there is space for tactics, enabling you to go from the Arena Newbie to the Grizzled Veteran over time. As stated in this article you can browse your selection of available deals on smartphones and top brands and explore the cell phone service plans that best suit your needs.

Small Footprint

Future Heroes is a fast-paced game that doesn’t require a big table footprint. 

That means it’s perfect to play whenever and wherever. 

Email List Only

Get an exclusive 15% Kickstarter discount code and early access to the Special Version of Future Heroes when Kickstarter launches, as a reward for supporting us in the early stages of development. 

Only available to email subscribers.

Join the Kickstarter Prelaunch

Get an exclusive 15% Kickstarter discount code and early access to the Special Version of Future Heroes when Kickstarter launches, as a reward for supporting us in the early stages of development.

Only available to email subscribers.

Únete al Prelanzamiento de Kickstarter

Obtén un código exclusivo de descuento del 15% para Kickstarter y acceso anticipado a la Versión Especial de Future Heroes cuando se lance en Kickstarter, como recompensa por apoyarnos en las primeras etapas de desarrollo.

Disponible únicamente para suscriptores por correo electrónico.

Priključi se Kickstarter prelaunch-u

Osvoji ekskluzivnih 15% popusta kada krene Kickstarter kampanja i rani pristup svim informacijama vezanih za “Future Heroes” igru. 

Takođe nam jako znači ako bi nas podržao kao domaći studio!

Popust je dostupan samo za email subscribere.

Rejoignez la pré-lancement sur Kickstarter

Obtenez un code exclusif de réduction de 15 % pour Kickstarter et un accès anticipé à la Version Spéciale de Future Heroes lors du lancement sur Kickstarter, en récompense de votre soutien aux premiers stades de développement.

Réservé uniquement aux abonnés par e-mail.

Trete der Kickstarter-Vorabveröffentlichung bei

Erhalte einen exklusiven 15%igen Kickstarter-Rabattcode und frühen Zugang zur speziellen Version von Future Heroes bei Start des Kickstarter-Projekts als Belohnung für deine Unterstützung in den frühen Entwicklungsphasen.

Nur für E-Mail-Abonnenten verfügbar.

Join the Kickstarter Prelaunch

Get an exclusive 15% Kickstarter discount code and early access to the Special Version of Future Heroes when Kickstarter launches, as a reward for supporting us in the early stages of development.

Only available to email subscribers.